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Banyan is a tool for comparing and
tracking global trends in the full
COVID-19 genomic dataset. Users can
explore a full phylogenetic tree,
trajectory and prevalence charts,
as well as mutation and substitution
data visualization.
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dd mmm yyyy
dd mmm yyyy
the description goes here
the description goes here
0 mutations appear in at least 75% of 1,000 sequences.
Indicates how tightly the mutation corresponds to this variant.
Presence in variant over time
0 mutations appear in at least 75% of sequences.
Banyan is a tool for comparing and tracking global trends in the full COVID-19 genomic dataset. Users can explore a full phylogenetic tree, trajectory and prevalence charts, as well as mutation and substitution data visualization.
Development f
Banyan is built by Fathom Information Design with support from the Sabeti Lab.
Your feedback is welcomed and can be sent to banyan [at] fathom.info.
We gratefully acknowledge all data contributors, i.e. the Authors and their Originating laboratories responsible for obtaining the specimens, and their Submitting laboratories for generating the genetic sequence and metadata and sharing same via the GISAID Initiative1 on which this research is based.
GISAID data on this website is subject to GISAID's Terms and Conditions.
→Data sources & currency
Data shown in the phylogenetic tree as of 00.00.21.
Sequence metadata as of
.Mutation metadata is parsed from the GISAID msa file using björn. The msa file was downloaded 00.00.21.
Lineage aliases and descriptions were downloaded from Pango 00.00.21.
Variant classifications were copied from the World Health Organization page on Tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants on 00.00.21.
→System requirements
This tool is optimized for use in Chrome and Firefox. Browsers such as Safari are unsupported and unable to load the tool.
1Elbe, S., and Buckland-Merrett, G. (2017) Data, disease and diplomacy: GISAID’s innovative contribution to global health. Global Challenges, 1:33-46. DOI: 10.1002/gch2.1018 PMCID: 31565258
precision mediump float; uniform vec4 uResolutionSize; attribute vec2 aPosition; attribute vec4 aColor; varying vec4 vColor; void main(void) { vec2 pos = vec2(aPosition/uResolutionSize.xy) * 2.0; pos.x -= 1.0; pos.y = 1.0 - pos.y; if (aColor.a <= 0.0625) { gl_Position = vec4(-10.0, -10.0, 0.0, 1.0); } else { gl_Position = vec4(pos, aColor.a * -0.01, 1.0); } vColor = aColor; gl_PointSize = uResolutionSize.z; }
precision mediump float; uniform sampler2D uIcon; varying vec4 vColor; void main(void) { vec4 tcolor = texture2D(uIcon, gl_PointCoord.st); gl_FragColor = vec4(vColor.rgb, vColor.a * tcolor.a); }
precision mediump float; uniform vec2 uResolution; uniform vec3 uColor; attribute vec2 aVertex; varying vec4 vPathColor; void main(void) { vec2 vert = vec2(aVertex/uResolution) * 2.0; vert.x -= 1.0; vert.y = 1.0 - vert.y; // put the bars a little behind the dots gl_Position = vec4(vert, -0.001, 1.0); vPathColor = vec4(uColor, 1.0); }
precision mediump float; varying vec4 vPathColor; void main(void) { gl_FragColor = vPathColor; }